Monday 16 February 2015

auto insurance

 automobile insurance use started after the first world war. when cars were relatively damage but there was no insurange anywhere in the world. the owner and drivers were faced many problem they do not get any compensation for accident. so they were face to damage to their property and car.
 at first the car insurance strated in the country of united kingdom in the rull of road trafic 1930. and then the insurance was strated germany in 1939. after that the automobile insurance spreed all over the world.

genarally people insured for cars , trucks , motor cycles and other all road vehicles. the insurance company give the liability for damage rasuling form trafic collisions .

It is compalsory in many countries when a owner or drivers want to use they have to keeping vehicles insurance. at last we tell that automobile insurence is very effective for all people in the world. people may be benefited by using or keeping automobile insurance.


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